The Real Jesus
Probably a lot of people in the world have heard of a subject; That despite not having written any books or composed songs, aspire to a military-political post or anything like that has been the central theme of millions of books, inspired thousands of songs and changed millions of lives with his teachings.
But who is this Jesus who died and rose again? His death shows his love and resurrection; it shows his deity. The resurrection of Christ more than a biblical story is a proven fact full of history, a miracle without a doubt. The unexpected visit of Jesus transfigured, the appearance to more than 300 people, and the testimony of Thomas are one of the several facts that confirm the resurrection of Jesus Christ and demonstrates that he is worthy of being called God.
His death, on the other hand, is the epitome of the signs of love. Christopher Hitchens (a famous atheist) asked: “What is the difference between Christians and Atheists, what common good brings religion, other than millions of deaths by religious fanatics? And name one moral action performed by a believer that could not have been a done by a non-believer? Now, can you name a hideous moral act undertaken because of their faith?”
Taking the question in a serious manner, we may ask, What is the law that both lifestyles promote? On the one hand, we have Christianity with a reduction of 2 primordial laws: You will love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself. In other verses we can see how Jesus condemns even hatred, explaining that once we hate our neighbor, we have already murdered them in our heart, which leads to the point of establishing love even our enemies.
On the other hand, we have the natural law of survival that tells us little of love, rather than a flow of dopamine hormonal hormones, little less a law of how the world should treat its neighbors. We cannot misunderstand and think that the fact that atheists do not have a universal objective morality means that they have no morals. On many occasions, their examples are worth admiring and emulating more than those who consider themselves Christian.
Without God and His laws that promote respect and love, the world would be something entirely different. If we believe that love is the solution to the problems of the world, we are saying that God is the answer that the world needs. As John tells us, “He who does not love does not know God because God is LOVE.”
But how can we approach the true Jesus and not survive a religious lifestyle, and end up possibly becoming like Pharisees by making the mistake of killing our Savior?
How can we take our problems and follow them?
By Confessing your trespasses one to another, and pray for one another,(James 5: 16).
Talking about our problems and sins makes us reflect on our falls. While listening to others helps us remember that we are all human and we all need forgiveness. This practice has become somewhat disconnected from evangelical churches, and consequently, we have people that are much more to be esteemed, they are adored and placed on dangerous pedestals, almost untouchable for any sin. Little by little, we can fall into a culture of false holiness that damages the spiritual growth of the faith community; and ultimately preaches a legalistic Jesus who never sinned while preaching very little of the Savior we are all need to live a life that glorifies His name.
We need the true Jesus, who died knowing our sin, our incalculable faults and even choose to die even for his enemies. We need the Jesus who is in the streets helping the needy and not the one who preaches on Sunday to complete his weekly routine.
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