1Apr 13, 2017
Una vez Jesús dijo: “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida, y nadie viene al Padre si no es por mí”, Juan 14: 6 | RV1960. Entendemos que de esto se trata el evangelio. Ese evangelio de la buena noticia que impactó al mundo y se hizo realidad en un día que hoy conmemoramos. […]
2Apr 13, 2017
Jesus once said: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father except by Me” [John 14: 6 NLV]. We understand that this is the gospel, the good news that impacted the world and became a reality on a day that this week is commemorated. During this […]
3Apr 7, 2017
Probablemente una gran cantidad de personas en el mundo han escuchado hablar de un sujeto; que a pesar de no haber escrito ningún libro o compuesto canciones, aspirar a un puesto político militar o nada por el estilo ha sido el tema principal de millones de libros, inspirado miles de canciones y cambiado millones de […]
4Apr 7, 2017
Probably a lot of people in the world have heard of a subject; That despite not having written any books or composed songs, aspire to a military-political post or anything like that has been the central theme of millions of books, inspired thousands of songs and changed millions of lives with his teachings. But who […]
5Nov 9, 2015
Hymn Monday is back, after an extended vacation! Yay! Today’s Hymn is called Leaning on the arms of Jesus, it has been in my heart for the past few days. As I have found myself in the midst of fears, lack of joy, and worry; leaning on the arms of Jesus in prayer, worship, and […]
6Apr 3, 2015
Jesus, Thank you for the cross. Thank you for the love that held you there. Thank you for the pain you endured for me.Thank you for the whips that now heal me. The word “thank you” cannot express my feelings towards Your amazing and loving sacrifice for all humanity. Father, You are a just God, […]